Thursday, March 8, 2012

Video: There's No Tomorrow

Have you heard the term "Peak Oil" or "Peak food" this video explains it very well. If you really pay attention it also explains how the global economy works but alas it also explains how these systems will fail. It has too folks, there is only so much you can take out of this big ball of resources we call Earth.
This video takes a look at the future of energy and food production in the world. I have not seen a presentation that takes the the problems we face and explains them so well. I highly recommend taking the 33 minutes to watch this video. I fear too many will start to watch it and turn it off too quickly (and stick their heads back in the sand), because they don't like the message. I have studied the facts behind this video for a long time, and I cannot find one overt error in the information presented. All I am asking is for you to become aware of the issues, become knowledgeable on the information. This is the only way out of the crash I see coming our way. Yeah... it's a bit of a downer, but unless we actually understand the problems, we will never create a solution or an alternative.

Hi folks, I agree with John K and the video, but the title of the video is wrong because with God and Jesus Christ there will be a tomorrow. but... my worry is that... our lot in life may be to go through the terrible collapse this film predicts and I share this kind of stuff in hopes it will help you cope and prepare for it. If we don't have to face this, then so much the better, but just in case we do, then its best to know what we are up against. Some solutions are offered at the end of the video.

Please watch this video, the middle and end are the best parts.

This also relates to my previous blog.
Are your eyes wide open?

And I ask you the question again....

Do we need to worry?
Is this something for our mystery?
Is this our story?
Will this be our history?

Please leave a comment. Thank You.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Margie blogs: My Journey: It's My Birthday!!

Margie blogs about her birthday. Margie got on a roll with her blog. Its pretty funny and I liked it because it mentions me LOL!

Please check out her blog and post a comment.