Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Why I like Jack Spirko and the Survival Podcast.

Well first of all this guy can talk about dirt and cow shit and make it sound really interesting and usually his podcasts are about some topic I have recently been thinking about and he can verbalize what I would like to say. I tell ya, if I could speak better than Jack I would steal his job, LOL but I just dont have that talent. So you will see me post lots and lots of Survival Podcast links on my page because Jack is saying stuff that I wish I could say. 

I agree with Jack about 95% of the time although he left me sitting on the side of the road when he got on the Paleo Diet wagon. The guy has lost 75 pounds on this diet so its something I probably should look into but dang it I'm just not ready to give up my biscuits. LOL 

I think many people are afraid of the word "survival" but Jack has a well rounded philosophy about it and its just common sense and not a tin foil hat because the sky is falling. Jacks tag line is " Helping you live that better life if times get tough or even if they dont" Makes perfect sense to me. So I would recommend Jack and The Survival Podcast to everyone at:

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