Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Temperate Climate Permaculture: The Permaculture Movement Grows From Underground

Here is a link to a really nice article about Permaculture. This article will give you a brief insight into what permaculture is and how it is used.

This article did a good job of leaving out the "cultural" aspects of permaculture but it still had to allude to it a bit. Permaculture was early adopted by the hippie - tree hugger types that want to sit around and hold hands and sing songs and then think they are saving the world with permaculture. I dont buy into all that garbage, because there is "real science" behind permaculture principles and that is what I am interested in. 

Click the link below to read the article and then take a look around the site for more info about the "science of permaculture".   

Temperate Climate Permaculture: The Permaculture Movement Grows From Underground: This is an interesting article from The New York Times "In The Garden" section. The Permaculture Movement Grows From Underground By M...

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