Sunday, May 6, 2012

Exodus Move

I finally got some video of my boat s/v Exodus.

Many thanks to Tammy for helping crew the boat across the bay. And a great big thank-you to the TMCA Club for helping us get in the slip. Margie ran the camera and moved the vehicles so everything was in position and ready.

I rolled out the jib at marker 2 and sailed all the way to Morgans Point at about 5 knots. We sailed on the jib only since the winds were blowing 15 to 20 knots and we made good time.   This is the first sail this year and it was a lot of fun.


  1. Why did you move it?

    1. The slip we were in was for the condo residents so there is no restroom or store and not very many people around.

      We had great fun at Bayland before the hurricane so we decided to go back. Bayland is a few miles closer to home also. They have completely rebuilt the marina since the hurricane so everything is new and it is improved to withstand a larger tidal surge. No guarantees with a hurricane tho.

      It should be a lot of fun and I think we will go to the boat more often.
